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At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on macOS. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.
June 2007 Archive

Location: 06 Wood & Plastic/Trim & Moulding

The baseboard tool is for baseboards. That's pretty much it.

Feature Summary Baseboard profile, cap, shoe, and 'second' (lower) base; scale sensitive profiles and fills.

The baseboard tool is similar to the crown tool. The same shapes are available. (Pardon me if you find the term 'coffer' misplaced when considering base.) The miters and returns are the same. The scale sensitivity is the same, including the fills.

Here's the custom interface panel. Some of the options in the 'shape' area will change depending which shape is chosen.

All of the parts are optional except the base itself.

At building section scales, the shoe and cap are not modeled. The base will be shown at the height of the top of the cap.

New in 10 version: Slope.

Tip: Copy and paste the angle from the Stair Body object. The high end is the start end and the slope is down. The start end is represented in plan by the red diagonal line.

If the base slopes and meets other base pieces, it's going to need to miter in the other direction. For this we have Start Vert Cut and End Vert Cut. Level pieces can also be cut this way, since they might have to meet a sloped one.

Slope base edit
The vertical cuts are editable in 3D, but you will find it more practical to edit them in section/elevation.

Tip: First over extend the angles so they cross, then you can detect the point where they meet as an intersection.

You will usually need more height on a stair base than the level bases it meets.

Slope base edit
The sloped object length is directly editable, as is the slope angle itself using the middle 3D hotspot.

Baseboard elements should generally be placed on the layer F Trim Int Lo.

# iPhone Ads...

These are great. I expect an Apple ad to look good, look cool, make the thing look cool, and make me think I'm cool for seeing how cool it is, and I would be even cooler if I had one.

That's not what these do. At this point everyone has heard of the iPhone, everyone knows it's probably cool. And there won't be enough of them, so if you have one you're cool. Question: Does it really work? And how does it work? The ads go straight to the point. They appear to, incredibly, cut through the hype. They don't promise to make you a better person, they just show you how it works.

-James 2007-06-04-1753

Swoop 10 Plan
Location: 13 Special Construction

All of Swoop JAM9a still in effect.


-- Optional Cover fill and all related parameters. You can allow the slope of the object to Distort the fill. No, the distortion doesn't vary as the slope changes. You can move the fill's origin using a hotspot; you have to select the object to see it. The hotspot.

With the cover fill on you should be able to show the swoop in roof plans. Turn the Back Lines off to help the object blend into the roof. (Use the A Roof2 layer in this case.)

-- Gable cuts at either end for fitting the object into a gable end. This is independent of the miter angles, and in fact you can't miter and gable-cut at the same time. (If you set gable cuts the miters turn themselves off.)

It's time.

I has 3DS
