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At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on Mac OS X. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.
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Template View Map orientation session. Remember that views are viewpoints (stories, sections, details, etc) plus user options such as scale, layers, model view options, and dimension standards. Views become drawings in layouts. We need views for each kind of output we're going to produce. Additionally, we want views for the various modes of work we do in the model. We
Navigator Theory Creating Views Developing Layouts Applied Navigator Theory: Other Kinds of Plans Plotting 2: PDF Archives Append Date Template Publisher Sets PDF Placement
Background: Navigator Theory Issue: You need plumbing (or mechanical, etc) plans, which aren't set up in the templates. This is a piece of cake.
There are three main ways to create views in AC10, plus one more you should never use. The templates have most of the commonly needed views already set up, but it's not unusual to need more. Update, November 2017, Archicad 21: These screenshots are out of date, but all the principles and operations remain the same.
The model is in there. Don't look at it, just imagine it. Think of the real buildings you can't see at the moment. The Lincoln Memorial is there. Trust me. The model is before everything in the Navigator. No model, nothing to Navigate, right? The Navigator, besides being indispensable to your productivity, is good illustration of Archicad's intended model-to-deliverables workflow.
We have long had the convention of beginning our layout names with the number of the sheet, e.g., A1-1 1st Floor Plan. This is no longer needed. PM has a feature to "Show Names & Numbers" in the Navigator. It's had this throughout the life of PM3/PM9, but in the beginning, plot file names would not include the number even