On Land

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At Rill Architects we run ArchiCAD on Mac OS X. If you work at Rill, this is your stuff. If you don't, but you work in ArchiCAD, you may find something interesting. Anybody else, I don't know.
Searched for "composites"

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If this was a proper post it would be clearer and have some illustrations. These are just my notes on the process, quite involved for us as you'll see, of migrating a project to AC17/18. Even though 17 was released 18 months ago, we still have projects in earlier versions and I doubt we are alone. IMO, the combination of
We reviewed some things that people were a little sketchy on. Which libraries should you use • The current version's Archicad Library, which is located in the Applications folder, at Graphisoft/Archicad [n]. When you migrate a project to a newer version, you might also pick up an Archicad [n-1] Migration Library. • The current version's Rill Library, which is located
Intersection priorities help the user control interactions between certain elements. Wall and beam elements have their own intersection priority; I'm calling that the element priority. Composite skins (and components of custom profiles) have their own intersection priorities. Those are skin priorities. Neither of these should be confused with the intersection group number property of layers, though that bears on intersections
of wall composite priorities.
This is a complicated condition. It's surrounded by ordinary modeling elements, but it's difficult to weave those elements together such that it all cleans up and looks correct in section. Here's the ordinary elements by themselves. I put in some detail objects for clarity: The joist deck slab is basically right. The concrete slab needs to reach in to
Smarter cleanup please.
For the last couple weeks, spying on people, I've noticed separator lines showing up in framing composites. I don't know how this happened, but it must be my fault, but you still have to fix it. This is what I'm talking about: Bad Good Even worse, it seems the separators got set to pen #1, which is just extremely bad.
Composites allow you to show multiple cut fills in a wall, slab, or roof. I can think of three reasons to use them. • To display multiple fills. Example: Masonry veneer on a stud wall. This is the most obvious, and probably original, reason to have them. Ironically, such composites don't work at all unless you've made your own windows